The SSG values research in gastroenterology, it provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of research especially from doctors in trainee. The society also serves to facilate research collaborations across Scotland and beyond. The Society welcomes research in both luminal gastroenterology and hepatology.

GASTROENTEROLOGY RESEARCH - for the latest updates pleae visit Gastroenterology | NHS Research Scotland | NHS Research Scotland

ScotRight was launched with the support of the Scottish Society of Gastroenterology with the aim of providing trainees across Scotland an avenue to collaborate on multi-centre research and audit projects. We hope to empower members to launch ambitious projects and deliver impactful research across Scotland. Membership is open to all trainees interested in becoming involved in GI research, including pre-specialty trainees. To get involved, sign up now at

Alcohol related LivER disease audiT : ALERT-UK

A national audit of provision of inpatient care for patients with ArLD in the UK

Follow this link to complete the audit:

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