Upcoming Teaching & Training Events

Glasgow Gastro ConferenceFriday, 13 September, 2024
SSG Taster Course Saturday, 21 September, 2024

National Endoscopy Training Programme (NETP)

The pogramme offers training to improve the quality of endoscopy care for patients in Scotland, helping to provide the clinical capacity needed to address endoscopy and cancer waiting times.

The NETP aims to increase endoscopy capacity through the development of a highly skilled and sustainable endoscopy workforce, minimising repeat procedures and improving patient experience.


ScotRight was launched with the support of the Scottish Society of Gastroenterology with the aim of providing trainees across Scotland an avenue to collaborate on multi-centre research and audit projects. We hope to empower members to launch ambitious projects and deliver impactful research across Scotland. Membership is open to all trainees interested in becoming involved in GI research, including pre-specialty trainees. To get involved, sign up now at www.scotright.com